Day in the life – Kirsten, RedDoor’s Operations Manager

Kirsten is a key member at RedDoor, since she’s been a part of the team for six years. She seamlessly manages various roles, including Operations Manager, Personal Assistant to Mark Deragon, and handling accounts. Her vibrant and bubbly personality helps in creating a positive work environment, whether it’s through a friendly chat with colleagues or organising team-building events. We sat down with Kirsten to get an insight into her day-to-day activities.

Q: How does your typical day start, Kirsten?

A: My day usually starts pretty early as I try to hit the gym before heading into the office. Recently, I’ve embarked on a fitness journey, and I find that starting my day with exercise sets a positive tone. Given how busy my role as Operations Manager is, I find that exercising in the morning gives me the energy boost I need.

Q: What does your morning routine look like after the gym?

A: I usually arrive at the office by 8.30am. As soon as I get in, I check my emails and prioritise my tasks for the day. Given my multiple roles at RedDoor, and especially because of my role as Operations Manager, I have to be very organised.

Q: Can you walk us through your roles at RedDoor?

A: Absolutely. As the Operations Manager, I oversee the day-to-day operations of RedDoor, ensuring everything runs smoothly. As the Personal Assistant to Mark, our Managing Director, I manage his schedule, meetings, and travel arrangements. On top of that, I handle the accounts, making sure our finances are in order.

Q: What’s your favourite part of your job?

A: If I had to pick, I’d say I love the dynamic nature of my roles. No two days are the same, and I get to interact with different departments and people. As Operations Manager, I get to understand the inner workings of the company. Plus, working closely with Mark gives me insights into high-level strategic decisions, which is exciting!

Q: How do you manage to balance all these roles?

A: It’s all about time management and prioritising. I use a combination of digital tools and a traditional planner to keep track of everything. Setting clear goals and deadlines helps a lot. Also, I make sure to communicate effectively with my team and Mark to stay aligned on priorities.

Q: How does your commitment to fitness mirror your professional dedication?

A: Just like with fitness, I believe consistency and dedication are key in my professional life. At the gym, I push myself to achieve new goals and improve continuously. I bring the same mindset to work, always striving for excellence and looking for ways to enhance our operations and productivity.

Q: What’s next for you on your fitness journey and at RedDoor?

A: On my fitness journey, I would love to run a marathon next year – it’s a big goal of mine! At RedDoor, I’m excited about some upcoming projects that will streamline our operations further and introduce new efficiencies. As an Operations Manager, anything to make our processes more efficient is always a positive. There’s always something new on the horizon, and I can’t wait to tackle it head-on!

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