FREE vulnerability scan

RedDoor IT is excited to offer a FREE vulnerability scan to the first 50 businesses that complete our registration form. This service aims to identify potential security weaknesses within your network, helping you safeguard your digital infrastructure. Secure your free scan today.

What is a vulnerability scan?
A vulnerability scan is an essential aspect of cyber security that identifies potential weaknesses in your systems, network or applications. This includes outdated software, firmware, open ports and unpatched devices, which can be exploited by hackers to gain unauthorised access. By conducting a vulnerability scan, you can proactively address these issues and enhance your business’s security. The scan is unauthenticated and therefore does not require any user or admin passwords or access to your network other than physically connecting the scanning device. After all, we are trying to see if you have any gaps in your security… it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

How does RedDoor conduct a vulnerability scan?

  1. Setup and installation: We will attend your site and connect the necessary scanning device to your businesses network.
  2. Scan: After the scan is complete we will come and collect the hardware.
  3. Report and recommendations: We will analyse the scan results and provide a detailed report highlighting the vulnerabilities within your network. Additionally, we will offer advice on how to address these vulnerabilities, including recommendations for management software to automate updates, apply patches, and enhance security along with any advisory hardware which may need to be replaced/upgraded due to age or unresolvable vulnerabilities. The information provided in the vulnerability scan report is free for your use.

For cloud-based businesses
Our vulnerability scans encompass the entire network, not just servers. This means we can detect and assess the security of routers, firewalls, PCs, laptops, printers, and other network appliances, ensuring comprehensive coverage even for businesses operating primarily in the cloud.

Terms and conditions

  • Complimentary Service: The vulnerability scan is provided free of charge with no obligation to purchase any subsequent services or products.
  • Consent required: The business must consent to RedDoor IT to access their network to perform the scan.
  • Liability: The scan’s purpose is solely to identify potential vulnerabilities and will not adversely affect current setup. The scan will be run out of hours so all equipment should be left on to allow a comprehensive scan.

Contact us
If you have any further questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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